Sunday services at 8 AM & 10 AM.
Free coffee & donuts between services (approximately 9:15 – 9:45 AM) in the lower level.
Kids’ church for ages 3 – 11 available at the 10 AM service — after the singing time.
Kids of all ages welcome in either service.
There is a nursery available for parents to bring their children. There is a speaker in the nursery, so you can hear the service.
Sit wherever you would like. Participate as you feel comfortable.
We have a time of singing – this includes a variety of older and newer hymns and songs. Sometimes during the singing, people will be invited to come forth or stand where they are in order to have others pray for them.
After the singing time, we have a few minutes when we turn to greet those sitting near us. (During the 10 AM service, this is the time kids are dismissed to kids’ church.)
Then, Pastor Dave reads from Scripture and explains how we can apply it to our daily lives.
On most weeks, we end with a time of prayer and reflection – thinking about how we can apply what we’ve just heard and asking for God’s help! People are invited to move to the front during this prayer time; others remain seated.
On the first Sunday of each month, we have a time of Communion. Anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is welcome to participate. Trays with individual packets of wafers and grape juice are passed around the sanctuary. Those who want to participate take a packet.
We do not have a formal offering collection. For those who would like to give, there are offering boxes at the back of the sanctuary or online giving is available on this website.
We’d be happy to answer other questions you may have! Fill out a “Contact Us” form on this website or email/call the church office: or 906-774-7631.